Succulent plant problems symtoms and solution 2 | Carolina Garden Bar

Succulent plant problems symtoms and solution 2


The rot usually starts from the root up, therefore, when you look at the symptoms, there is most likely no way to save it. But there are some things you can do to try to save it “in extremis” :

  • If the plant has just begun to rot, cut off all the damaged parts and let the uninfected area of ​​the plant continue to grow.
  • If the rot has not reached the end of the plant, cut the stem above the rotten part and plant it in a new substrate. It may take root and grow a new and healthy plant.
  • Try to plant your succulents leaving enough space so that the lower leaves do not touch the substrate. They could absorb moisture from the soil and rot.
  • Improves ventilation, do not water excessively and avoid leaving the plant in a humid and cold environment. Make sure the soil is porous, well-drained and does not retain water for a long time. All these circumstances can cause the succulent to rot.

Succulent pests

Insects are not usually a big problem with succulents, they prefer other types of plants, but it could be the case that you discovered them invading your little plant. If you notice any strange symptoms that you do not identify with those mentioned above, inspect the plant carefully for a pest problem.

If you discover any of the insects listed in the following paragraphs, follow our instructions to improve the situation. Most of the time you will only need soapy water or a mild insecticide to cure them.


There are several types of cochineal: cottony, ribbed, etc., the treatment is common for all. Start by removing the infected plant from the pot and cleaning all the soil from the root part. Let it dry and replant with the new substrate in a clean pot. Spray isopropyl alcohol on insects (or apply with a brush) and remove as much as you can by hand. You must eliminate all the insects you see on leaves and stems.

Red spider

The red spider or red mite devastates any plant in a short time. Its size is around half a millimeter and, if you have a good view, you can see it as a red or brown dot that moves. It appears in summer and in especially hot and dry seasons, so watering and spraying the plant with water can help fight it. To eliminate it you will need to spray with an acaricide for a few days (from 4 to 7, depending on how infected the plant is). Avoid the direct sun during this time and a few weeks later.


Aphids form colonies that, if numerous, can weaken the plant to the point of ending it. They are easily removed with soapy water, spraying on the plant and helping with a brush to separate them. If the pest is very persistent and this method does not work, try a soft and ecological insecticide.


Snails and slugs can give a good account of your succulent in one night. If you discover that your plant is under attack, remove by hand any type of mollusk you see near them. If they are persistent and the plants are in danger, use some of the ecological methods that we comment on this link. And if, even so, you can get rid of them, use an anticlimaxes insecticide. Always look for organic and organic products.

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