Why my plant does not bloom | Carolina Garden Bar

Why my plant does not bloom

Sometimes our plants suddenly stop blooming and we don’t understand why. If you have never given flowers, it is probably because the plant has not yet reached its mature age. The causes of the lack of flowers can be many and very diverse. Today we tell you some factors that influence a plant not to bloom.

7 reasons why a plant does not make flowers

Plant age

As we said in the introduction, for a plant to produce flowers it must have developed that capacity. Not all plants mature at the same age. There are plants that bloom early and others that take many years. Two examples: if you sow a marigold, for example, in 3 or 4 months you will already be giving flowers; but if you reproduce a wisteria from seeds, you will not see its flowers until after 7 to 10 years.

Lack or excess of light

We must also take into account that the plant is located in a place where the climatic conditions are adequate for its correct development. Light is necessary for photosynthesis to take place and the plant produces its food. When a plant does not have enough solar lighting it lacks the energy necessary to perform its basic functions, and flowering is one of the first to be inhibited.

A plant should receive enough sun. There are plants that need a lot, but there are also those that if they have more than the bill they will get chicory. A bright light is enough for shade plants but never the direct rays of the sun. If a plant receives excessive sunstroke, it is the flowers that will lose first.

These shade plants are the ones that are generally used as houseplants. But inside the house there are no places with a lot of light, you have to be careful with them and put them near a window so that they receive enough.


You have to know a plant to prune it well, since exceeding in pruning or doing it incorrectly can lead to eliminating the branches of the plants that could bloom. Find out the flowering season and the way the plant does it, whether it is in new shoots or on branches of the previous year.

Lack of pruning is a factor that can also inhibit the production of flower buds. Experts recommend removing withered flowers by cutting a couple of buds underneath and pruning the old branches of some shrubs such as jasmine and rose bushes to rejuvenate the plant and promote the formation of flower buds.


The fertilization of the soil in which the plant grows and from which it feeds is a very important factor since they affect plant health. We talked in his day about the nutrients that the plant requires in the field and how to replenish them if they are depleted by fertilizers. Potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) are the nutrients that stimulate the production of flowers and if they are scarce in the substrate, the production of flowers and fruits will fall.

But be very careful with the measures, the excess subscriber can also be counterproductive. There are specific fertilizers for flowering plants, they must have little nitrogen (N) since this is the element responsible for the formation of the plant mass (stems and branches).

Soil pH

The pH measures the acidity of the soil and controls the chemical processes that occur in it. You should know that there are plants that develop better in acidic soils (low pH) and plants that prefer alkaline (high pH). If a vegetable is planted in a soil with inadequate pH, it cannot absorb food from the soil. That will affect its development and, of course, its flowers.

Soil drainage

A poorly drained soil can cause root rot excess water affecting not only the non - formation of flowers, also the health of the plant may die.

If your plants are in pots, we advise you to read ” how to water the pots “.

The weather

Be very careful with the temperatures. A plant, when it suffers a frost the first thing that is stripped is the flower buds. Protect your most delicate plants if it is expected to be very cold.

Read the topic ” The importance of soil and climate when building a garden ” will give you more information about this.

And why doesn’t my plant produce fruits?

It is the next question you can ask yourself if you have plants in order to enjoy their rich fruits. The fruits arise when the ovary of the plant matures after fertilization. If there are no flowers, there are no fruits. But even having many flowers it may be that they dry and fall without fruiting.

The reasons can be diverse, but if the formation of fruits fails despite having good blooms, the reason in most cases is the lack of pollination. It is necessary to take into account if the plant is self-pollinator, or if it is cross-pollinated and there are no other plants of its kind in the neighborhood. It may also happen that we are spraying the garden during the pollination season, which will eliminate pollinating insects.

We hope that with these instructions you will never lack flowers and fruits in the garden. If you still have any doubts about it, leave your comment and we will try to help you.

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